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My Bio and Shit
My Bio
Name : Manuel
Gender : Male
Girl Status : Single but im trying to get with a very cute girl that i know.
Hobbie : I love to skate and watch fixed up ass imports.
Music : I fucken like rock,some alternative,metal and some punk.
What I Hate : I hate fucken rap and r&b, but i dont cap on it cause the cute girl i like doesnt like it when i talk shit about that type of music.

The sites Bio
Created : 12-22-2001
Reason : I was bored and was waiting for MadTv to come on cause i had nothing else better to do.Also cause i have cable internet and everything was fast
Updates : When ever i fucken please ill update my fucken shit
Helper's : Well some people helped me out like SKYLINE and thats all he was the only web junkie that helped me out on this shit site, also Rick for being onest about this site sucking or not

Hell's Helpers
Helpers : No fucken helpers were used for this fucken site it was all done by me for anyone that wants to check this shit out.

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